A Girl Called Justice Jones is a series of children's mystery books written by Elly Griffiths. The series follows the adventures of a young girl called Justice Jones, who is sent to a boarding school in the English countryside in the 1930s. The books are aimed at readers aged and offer a fascinating insight into life in Britain during the interwar period.
Titles in This Set:
- A Girl Called Justice (Book 1)
- A Girl Called Justice: The Smugglers' Secret (Book 2)
- A Girl Called Justice: The Ghost in the Garden (Book 3)
- A Girl Called Justice: The Spy At The Window (Book 4)
Description from the publisher:
A Girl Called Justice (Book 1)
When Justice's mother dies, her father packs her off to Highbury House Boarding School for the Daughters of Gentlefolk. He's a barrister - specialising in murder trials - and he's just too busy to look after her alone.
Having previously been home-schooled, the transition is a shock. Can it really be the case that blondes rule the corridors? Are all uniforms such a charming shade of brown? And do schools normally hide dangerous secrets about the murder of a chambermaid?
A Girl Called Justice: The Smugglers' Secret (Book 2)
When Justice returns for the spring term at Highbury House, it's not long before murder is back on her mind. Assigned to look after the elderly Mr Arthur in Smugglers' Lodge on the other side of the marshes from school, Justice is initially dismayed. But dismay quickly gives way to intrigue as she finds herself drawn to Mr Arthur and his stories of piloting in the First World War - and especially when Dorothy, who lives nearby, tells her that the lodge is haunted.
But when Mr Arthur dies in mysterious circumstances, Justice soon has a list of questions in her journal: why hasn't he been given a proper military funeral? Why does the new Matron not seem to know much about First Aid? And what secrets does Smugglers' Lodge really hold?
A Girl Called Justice: The Ghost in the Garden (Book 3)
Justice and her friends are in their third year now and there's an intriguing new girl in Barnowls. Letitia has never been to school before and doesn't care for the rules - and the teachers don't seem to mind! She decides that Justice is her particular friend, much to Stella and Dorothy's distress. But Letitia just isn't the kind of girl you say no to.
Then, after a midnight feast in the barn, and a terrifying ghost-sighting in the garden, a girl disappears. Soon ransom notes appear, and they're torn from the pages of a crime novel.
A Girl Called Justice: The Spy At The Window (Book 4)
It’s 1939 and war has broken out. Everything has changed at Highbury House school. The pupils have to help cook, clean and wash up, for a start! Then a boys’ school is evacuated to Highbury House, and the girls have to share the building. Justice and her friends are delighted that there are still mysteries to solve, however. Like: why can they hear voices coming from an empty room? And how can there be a face at the window two storeys up?
Then Justice faces her biggest challenge yet. Could there be a spy in their midst?
About the Author:
Elly Griffiths is the pen name of Domenica de Rosa, a British author known for her mystery and crime novels. Born in London in 1963, Griffiths studied English at King's College London before completing a PhD in archaeology at the University of Sussex. Her academic background in archaeology has heavily influenced her writing, with many of her novels featuring archaeologists or exploring historical themes.
Griffiths first rose to fame with her debut novel, , which introduced readers to the character of Dr. Ruth Galloway, an archaeologist who solves crimes. The book was a critical and commercial success, and Griffiths has since written a number of sequels featuring the character. She has also written several standalone novels, including The Stranger Diaries and The Postscript Murders.
In addition to her Ruth Galloway series, Griffiths has also written several books for children, including the A Girl Called Justice series. These books are set in the 1930s and follow the adventures of a young girl named Justice Jones.
Griffiths is known for her engaging characters, evocative settings, and skilful plotting. Her books often explore themes of identity, family, and history, and she has been praised for her ability to balance humour with the darker subject matter. In addition to writing, Griffiths is a frequent guest on BBC Radio 4's "Saturday Review" and has also appeared on "Woman's Hour" and "Front Row."